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Cellulosic Fibers

The three types of manmade cellulosic fibers------Rayon,Acelate and Triaccetate----- are derived either from the cellulose of the cell walls of short cotton fibers (called linters) or,more frequently.from pine wood.Pure cellulose appears as a formless white substance that is converted by chemical treatment and produced into fiber form.Paper,for instance,is almost pure cellolose.


There are two principal varities of rayon now commercially produced:voscose and high wet-modulus.These,in turn,are produced in a number of types to provide certain specific properties.Thus,these rayons have been made to simulate natural fibers as well as to provide characterstics of their own.Accordingly,rayon is used for a wide variety of consumer and industrial products.

Rayon producers sell their fibers under their various trademarks.There are a large number of viscose rayon trademarks and two high wet modulus rayon trad ... Read more »

Views: 443 | Added by: monju583 | Date: 03.09.2015 | Comments (0)

The Natural Fiber

Vegetable Fibers

Of the several vegetable fibers,each drived from a different plant,two are recognize as major textile fibers,cotton and linen.


The cotton fiber grows in the scedpod,or boll,of the cotton plant.Each fiber is a single clongated cell that is flat,twisted,and ribbinlike with a wide inner hollow ( lumen).It is composed of about 90 percent cellulose and about 6 percent moisture;the reminder consists of natural impurities.The outer surface of the fiber is covered with a protective waxlike coating, which gives the fiber a somewhat adhesive quality.

The characteristic combined with its natural twist contribute to making cotton an excellent fiber for spinning into yarn.Cotton yarn is used for all types of apparel,home furnishings and industrial applications.


The linen fiber is obtained from the stalk of the flax plant. The hair li ... Read more »

Views: 511 | Added by: monju583 | Date: 03.02.2015 | Comments (0)


The textile industry uses many different kinds of fibers were known and used in the earlier years of civilization,as well as in modern times.Other fibers have acquired varied degrees of important in recent years.The factor influencing the development and utilization of all these fibers include their ability to be spun,their availability in sufficient quantity,the cost of economy production,and the desirability of their properties to consumers.

As a result of the development of new fibers,difficulties arose in the textile industry in terms of momenclature,classification,and identification.The confusion was compounded by the trends of manufacturers to identify each of their fibers with a different trademark.Consumer became confused by these names and found it difficult and sometimes impossible to identify the fiber content of the products they saw in the stores.Often they did not know whether an identifying name represented a particular k ... Read more »

Views: 451 | Added by: monju583 | Date: 03.02.2015 | Comments (0)

The Textile Industry

Range And Markets

The textile industry is very complex.At this point,only on introduction can be given so as to provide a brief overview for some insight.It begins in agriculture with fibre production of cotton,flax, and other fibrous plants; in husbandry of sheep,other animals, and silkworms; in mining of metals and minerals; in forestry for wood; in chemical research and production of synthetics. These fibres are processed into fabrics for industrial and consumer uses by various means, such as weaving and knitting. The fabrics are converted into finished clothes,which provides particulars appearences and performances. These fabrics are made into end-use products, including apparel,home furnishings, and various industrial applications.These products are then merchandised and sold.Everyone of these aspects of the textile industry is a field itself,and there is an independency with multiplying effects on other indus ... Read more »

Views: 478 | Added by: monju583 | Date: 03.02.2015 | Comments (0)


Textiles have such an important bearing on our daily lives that everyone needs to know something about them.From earliest times,people have used textiles of various types for covering,warmth,personal adornment and even to display personal wealth.Today,textiles are still used for these purposes and everyone is an ultimate consumer.You use textiles in some form even if you are not the direct purchaser.Included among consumers are merchandisers of many types,from the wholesale textile manufacturers and merchant to the sales force in any retail store.Many industries,such as the automobile industry,are important consumers of textiles in various forms.Some other consumers are homemakers,dressmakers,interior decorators,and retail-store customers,as well as students who are studying for these and various other occupations and professionals in which a knowledge of textiles is of major importance,

The merchant,particularly, and all those engaged in the ... Read more »

Views: 444 | Added by: monju583 | Date: 03.01.2015 | Comments (0)

Reason For studying Textiles

A study of textiles will show,for example,why certain fabrics are more durable and therefore more serviceable for specific purposes.It will explain why certain fabrics make cool wearing apparel as well as give an impression of coolness when used as decoration.The matter of cleanliness and maintenance must also be estimated before purchasing,when that is an important factor.

Complete knowledge of textiles will facilitate an intelligent apparaisal of standards and brands of merchandise and will develop the ability to distinguish quality in fabrics and,in turn,to appreciate the proper uses for the different qualities.As a result,both the consumer merchant and consumer customer will know how to buy and what to buy,and salespeople will know how to render good service to those consumers who have not had the advantage of a formal course in textiles.

Great strides have been made in the textile industry,and have markedly infl ... Read more »

Views: 428 | Added by: monju583 | Date: 03.01.2015 | Comments (0)


Speak as often and as much as possible! This is the best way to learn English! There is nothing better than conversation to help you improve. Whereas, you can practise reading, writing, and listening on your own, it’s obviously better to speak English with someone. The best way to do this is to be in an English speaking environment. Take an English course in an English language school, or better still, learn English in an English-speaking country.

The quickest way to learn English is to surround yourself with English speakers. Also, get into the habit of thinking in English, don’t translate from your own language into English, it will slow you down. When you talk, use the sentences which instantly and naturally feel right to you, these are often the correct ones. Many students learn to develop an ‘intuition’ about English, use yours and trust it.

This might sound a little strange and embarrassing at first, but record yourself talking an ... Read more »

Views: 449 | Added by: monju583 | Date: 02.19.2015 | Comments (0)

Do you have any plan to pursue your further education abroad? Will you need English for your career or your education? If so, you may wish to investigate your options for learning,or improving, your English skills.

The TOEFL Test: TOEFL (Test Of English as a Foreign Language) is a test used by many colleges, universities, government agencies and exchange and scholarship programs in the US, UK and Canada as a means of evaluating the language skills of a person whose first language is not English. You can find TOEFL study guides easily online with other recommended resources listed. You may be able to access some of the sample tests and prepare with personal study. Or you may look for a class with an instructor to help you prepare for the test.

ESL Classes: ESL classes are a common means for students to learn English with group of classmates. These can be in the form of an evening class with various individuals attending or may be part of a college program during the d ... Read more »

Views: 432 | Added by: monju583 | Date: 02.11.2015 | Comments (0)

Think textbook are expensive? So do we.So,we've added more choices to save you money.We help you rent your text books online and quickly deliver them right to your door for a fraction of the cost of buying them,After all,you have better things to do with your money. Rent Text Book
Views: 383 | Added by: monju583 | Date: 02.08.2015 | Comments (0)

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